Male Pattern Hair Loss (MPHL) or Male Pattern Baldness (MPB) are characterised by a receding hairline and thinning crown. Hair follicles in the temple and mid-anterior part of the scalp te...
Ladies and Gentlemen, Colleagues and guests,
As chairman of Beijing 101 group, China, I feel extremely honorable to participate in this medical exchange conference. As a renowned hair growth product ...
101 Taxus Pillowcase
Taxus or Yew is a rare and endangered plant species that has been used medicinally around the world for centuries. The Taxus Pillowcase contains honeysuckle, chrysanthemum, lav...
101 Hair Formula is an enhanced and modified formula based on an ancient formula to treat hair related conditions. It has been used clinically for centuries
Earliest documentation of this ancient for...
Invasive organism such as parasites and fungi can cause hair loss. Both of these survive on the same food that you eat. This means that if you are infected with one of these organisms your body could ...
How this formula works ?
According to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), the health of the kidney and liver play a large role in the growth and maintenance of hair. The kidney controls the health of ...