Listen to a hair loss sufferer discuss his problematic experience with using pharmaceutical treatments to help regrow his hair. Hear about some of the most important adverse health reactions associated with pharmaceutical hair loss drugs. Finally learn about what some of the world health authorities around the world have said regarding pharmaceutical hair loss treatments and their safety.

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Hair loss sufferers most often start with standard pharmaceutical treatments in an attempt to regrow their hair. Many people first visit their local pharmacy and purchase “Rogaine” treatment (an externally applied foam preparation containing the drug Minoxidil) while others visit their doctor who will commonly prescribe Propecia (a medication that contains the drug Finasteride) to take orally. Surprisingly a high percentage of these people have very little knowledge about the possible problems that may occur as a result of using either of these pharmaceutical medications.

It is very important for hair loss sufferers to understand that both Rogaine and Propecia are drugs that were previously designed to treat different medical conditions including hypertension (high blood pressure) and Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy in males. As is the case with a large number of drugs available today, adverse reactions from pharmaceutical hair loss treatments are common. A major concern however is the dangers that these drugs pose to males in particular.

The idea of this seminar is primarily to inform hair loss sufferers about the possible dangers of using pharmaceuticals for their condition. It also provides an alternative direction them know that there are better alternatives available to regrow their hair effectively and safely. This is information is essential for both males and females who are suffering with hair loss and want a solution that works without any side effects.