Before selecting any hair regrowth treatment, you should know about the following factors:
What are the side effects of different treatments?
Externally used Pharmaceutical hair loss treatments (lotion)- commonly applied externally to the scalp.
Originally used as an internal medication for high blood pressure due to it’s action of dilating blood vessels. During it’s use as a blood pressure medication, patients discovered that not only did their blood pressure improve but they also grew more hair (head hair and body hair).
It is used now topically as a 2% solution, commonly for women suffering with hair loss and as a 5% solution for men.
After 30-60 days of stopping use, the hair loss rate will return to normal.
Side Effects of Externally used Pharmaceutical hair loss treatments (lotion)
More common
Signs and symptoms of too much medicine being absorbed into the body—Less Common
Internally used Pharmaceutical hair loss treatments (X tablet)- is taken internally as medication.
X tablet mainly used as a treatment for a condition known as Benign Prostatic Hypertplasia, which obviously occurs in men. Symptoms include difficulty urinating, getting up during the night to urinate, hesitation at the start of urination, and decreased urinary flow.
It is also used for hair loss. The way it helps with this is by blocking the conversion of testosterone into DHT, which occupies receptor sites at the base of the hair follicles. By building up around the base of the follicle, DHT actually chokes off the blood supply to the dermal papilla which nourishes the hair roots. If blood flow is blocked to the dermal papilla then essential nutrients and oxygen cannot reach the hair root and so the hair begins to become dull and may eventually die.
While X tablet effectively blocks the hormone responsible for androgenetic hair loss, numerous studies suggest that it can also have damaging effects on users’ sexual health:
Side Effects of Internally used Pharmaceutical hair loss treatments (X tablet)
More common
Less common
What may happen after stop treatments?
When you decide to stop hair regrowth treatments because of side effects, please note the following:
Externally used Pharmaceutical hair loss treatments (lotion):After Stopping Use – Hair loss resumes within 30-60 days.
A Real Case-
Female, 32 years old with patchy hair loss (Alopecia Areata).
Attended a pharmaceutical hair loss centre and was given externally used pharmaceutical hair loss treatments (lotion)to be used topically.
She experienced severe facial swelling after using the product for a short period.
This made her feel very embarrassed to go out in public and be around other people.
Her hair loss condition was already embarrassing enough for her. Now the treatment that she had chosen to fix the problem was causing her further embarrassment.
Obviously she was very disappointed with her pharmaceutical hair treatment experience.
Internally used Pharmaceutical hair loss treatments (X tablet): After Stopping Use – Hair loss resumes within 30-60 days.
A Real Case-
A 25 year old male.Suffered for hair loss since he was 21. This man was prescribed Finasteride and after 18 months experienced significant decrease in sex drive. This lasted for over 12 months. During this time he also suffered with depression. He spent $10,000 in total and used the treatment for 2 years.
Herbal Follicular Activation
After Stopping Use – Hair does not fall out within 30-60 days due to the strengthening effect that this treatment has on hair follicles.